Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Video Games as Media

When talking about media, I thought to myself what another useful form of media is today, that may not always come to mind right off the bat. We would normally think cell phones, computers, and television as different and more popular forms of media, but we don't realize is what constitutes as a form of media. All media is made up of is a different form of communication that reaches or influences people globally through-out. So when thinking outside the box a little, I came up with Video Games as being a form of media that we may not think of every single day. These are display devices that produce two- or three- dimensional images with possible interaction worldwide. They can range from large mainframe databases like the old-fashioned arcade games, to small handheld devices like iPods or cellular devices. Either way, these devices have skyrocketed in the last decade, and considered to be a great art form, and industry moneymaker.

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