Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cinema Verite

I am particularly excited about this new project, because I really enjoy working with video editing software and making a video of your own. Final Cut Pro is an excellent editing software that you can literally do anything imaginable to edit a video in a way that communicates to your audience how you want it to be seen and heard. I have a great idea on what I am planning on doing for my project, as a video to honor my brother on his birthday, but I am going to use some of those clips and make extra footage and incorporate that to make something more meaningful to honor his dedication and commitment into serving our Country. I am excited to work on this project! :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Physical and Material

The last chapter in the book, in my opinion, kind of ties everything together while focusing on the difference between analogue and digital photography. The book states that digital photography is the "ease and speed of its dissemination has radically reshaped photography's commercial industries." (pg.219). There has been a shift in contemporary art, from the fully functional visual technology, to more making active choices through out the whole process. I think it is all a great idea where contemporary art is going. Artists are now portraying pictures out of the norm, and that have real meaning behind them. It gives a lot more opportunity for each individual to share their story and I was more than satisfied to have read The Photograph as Contemporary Art.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Revived and Remade

Photographs have really come a long ways in the entire process from snapping the picture, to displaying it for years to come. Back in the '70's, photography was understood as "processes of signification and cultural coding." (pg.191) Modernism photography looks more at its authorship and technical developments of the medium. But what this chapter focuses on, is postmodernism, and takes it from a different standpoint. One where we "examine the medium in terms of its production, dissemination, reception, and its reproducibility, mimicry, and falsity." (pg. 191) Basically saying, the key to understanding postmodernism comes from our own cultural knowledge of generic and specific images. Most the examples the book uses are very basic photos, one that a non-professional photographer could take by themselves. But the significance within these photographs is the meaning on why these were taken, who took them, and what it is that it's trying to say. That is what separates postmodernism from previous eras, and why photography can be so conclusive to each individual or to all as a whole.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Understanding Context

As I do my blogs each week, and continue to read the chapters in The Photograph as Contemporary Art I notice a pattern of similarity with the context of the book. It really gives that warmth that not everyone is a professional photographer, and some people just take pictures to take pictures. Before reading this book, I would have guessed that it was going to talk about how to take the perfect picture, and the perfect angles, and what cameras to use, and history of famous paintings.. But no, that is not what it is about at all and I am absolutely astound on this read. I enjoy how the authors make it a bit more relevant to the average student-photographer and while still incorporating the great ideas and knowledge on photography, it makes it easy and enjoyable to read through. I enjoy The Photography as Contemporary Art.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Moments in History

This chapter, in my opinion, is pretty basic and focuses on the everyday ways of life of people or events around the world. It talks about how digital media and television are the "most immediate carriers of information" now instead of word of mouth when they didn't have technology back then. What's most interesting about all the pictures and examples they use in this chapter is they all have an interesting story to tell on either what is currently going on or what has just happened. In Allen Sekula's series of photos Fish Story tells some history and current conditions of maritime industry and has some photographs of sailors on a ship out in sea. I really liked these because those sailors go through some horrifying tragedies I'm sure, and so some of the stories they can share through these pictures would be absolutely marvelous in my opinion. Whatever the picture is and the photographer who took it, at least we can be aware that it was a great Moment in History.           


Thursday, February 5, 2015

Intimate Life

This chapter discusses the relationship that domestic and intimate life have been played in contemporary art. Basically, how the ordinary Joe like a family member or friend takes photographs and the meaning behind those snaps. The chapter gives some examples of pictures, which are not the most appropriate pictures, but none the less some examples how domestic and intimate life plays a key role in everyday photography. Not everyone is an expert. That’s why you’ll see a lot of photos maybe around the house or in someone’s phone with a lot of uneven framing, blur, uneven flash, red-eye, all those ‘mistakes’ are simply the reason because we are not all professional photographers. I know that first hand, being at family gathers and all the parents want pictures of all us grandkids and I’ll tell one of my cousins to take the picture rather than my grandma, because obviously we know who has the more experience with a smart phone. But I think this type of photography is very important as well, because how the book describes it, most these photos come at symbolic points in family time, and I think nothing is more special than that right there. When doing professional photography, everything is staged. Hair, make-up, background, it’s all set up. But with domestic photography, it is in the moment, and how someone would perceive it in real life. It can have the best stories when taken unexpectedly.