Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Moments in History

This chapter, in my opinion, is pretty basic and focuses on the everyday ways of life of people or events around the world. It talks about how digital media and television are the "most immediate carriers of information" now instead of word of mouth when they didn't have technology back then. What's most interesting about all the pictures and examples they use in this chapter is they all have an interesting story to tell on either what is currently going on or what has just happened. In Allen Sekula's series of photos Fish Story tells some history and current conditions of maritime industry and has some photographs of sailors on a ship out in sea. I really liked these because those sailors go through some horrifying tragedies I'm sure, and so some of the stories they can share through these pictures would be absolutely marvelous in my opinion. Whatever the picture is and the photographer who took it, at least we can be aware that it was a great Moment in History.           


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