Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chapter 2: Video Art

This chapter introduces a whole new form of art that, at the time, was new to the whole civilization as whole. This new form was based off of minimalism and conceptualism, and sky-rocketed in the 1960's. It was called, Video Art. This form was dominated by the media and was primarily the introduction of televisions. The moving image entered the common household with a vengeance, by 1953 two thirds of American households had televisions, and by 1960 it was up to about ninety percent (84). Needless to say, it wasn't the commercials or advertisements that we would normally consider as art, it was the intentionality of the artist: to make or conceive of something without the constraint of some other purpose (87). It is kind of hard imagining that the first televisions came out roughly about 50 years ago, especially with how so advanced technology has come with super thin, perfect display, smart televisions that are out now. It is just crazy how advanced electronics are coming along and the way the economy is shifting to more electronic now.

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