Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Media and Performance

In Chapter 1 of New Media in Art, it begins by talking about the canvas paintings and how they were so popular in 1949. It then goes on to talk about how the 60's had new plans in incorporating the viewer into the work of art and going away from the traditional canvas. This led to the big BOOM and birth of Performance Art. This kind of art isn't something you would typically see like on a wall or in a museum. This form of art included theater, dance, film, video and visual art all coming together. Of course, there was no other place to house this new beginning than in the heart of New York itself. I found this very interesting because I thought it was way earlier when Performance Art first began, so to find out that it was in this era was very interesting to me. I am excited to read more about what this book has to offer! :)

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