Monday, March 16, 2015

The Digital in Art

In Chapter 4 of the text, New Media in Art, it starts out by describing digital art as pervasive. "Digital art is a mechanized medium whose potential appears limitless" (180). Digital Technology is the main course for computer art, internet art, digital photography and video which what the world is transitioning completely to, slowly but surely. Virtual reality is now being introduced as the new form of production, and not reproduction. It is simply its own reality. (181) According to Paul Virilio, we are up and coming into a world where there is two realities, the actual and virtual. Video games is a great example of this, teaching kids and teens about interactive media. This chapter reminds me what we discussed in class the other day, how when we look at a photograph we really don't know whether it is true or not, if it has been digitally edited or altered. Which is pretty mind-blowing how advanced that means technology has gotten. If it has advanced so much in just the past 20 years, i couldn't imagine guessing what the world will be like in the next 20 years..

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