Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Deadpan Photography

When taking a picture, have you ever heard the phrase, "don't center your subject?" If this has been such an important rule we teach photographers from the very beginning, then why has there been such an increase in deadpan photographs in the past decade? It is because the deadpan aesthetic is a cool, detached and keenly sharp type of photograph that moves art outside the hyperbolic, sentimental and subjective, as the book describes in Chapter 3. Most commonly, the subject is the center of the photograph, there is not a whole lot going on in the photograph that will make you question what is going on, and lastly, it's not shot from a very obscure view, like a ladder, or top of a roof or something along those lines. It is just a photograph shot exactly how you would see it if you were to walk up to it in real life. It is Deadpan Photography.

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