Tuesday, January 20, 2015


What is a logo? A logo is a visual representation that appears on company signs, paper and advertisements that customers use to identify your company or whatever it is that you are working with. Logos are unique and you want to be creative but also careful when coming up with the different names, colors, typefaces, designs, etc. for your specific logo. After creating how it’s going to look, the next thing is protecting it from all others. That’s where copyright and trademark come in the picture. You want to make sure no one is going to steal your idea, because a company logo is a symbol of your company’s identity and generally gives off the very first impression. In class, in the beginning of this semester, we are creating different logos that we can come up with using Adobe Illustrator, which I am having a lot of fun designing and tossing ideas around on how I would create and come up with ten different logos for myself.


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