Thursday, January 29, 2015

Something and Nothing

In Chapter 4 of The Photograph as Contemporary Art it talks about how some artists take pictures of just ordinary, non-human things and making them into extraordinary pieces of photography. In this chapter, it also points out that "there is no such thing as an unphotographed or unphotographable subject (Pg.115)." It is up to the photographer taking the picture to determine the significance of that piece, for they are the one taking the photo meaning obviously there has been some significance established there already. Which I think is very true. We touched a lot on this today in DTC 355 class, that pictures truly are worth a thousand words. But who's words? That is what is so extraordinary about real life photography that there is no one true story to tell on a single piece. The artist shooting the photo might have a different story on what's going on then the viewer looking over the photo the next day. These are most often based off our past experiences and these can be some of the most amazing stories to ever be told. That's why it's called Contemporary Art.

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