Sunday, January 25, 2015

Once Upon a Time

In Chapter two, it looks at contemporary art photography in the use of storytelling. Some examples of photographs it uses make obvious references to story tales, myths, and apocryphal events and other photographs offer a much more inclusive and open-ended description that we know is important from the picture the artist has painted in our heads. This specific art photography is normally describes as tableau or tableau-vivant photography, according to the book. One famous artist that the book takes examples from goes by the name of Jeff Wall. His photographs are very interesting to me, and one that really stood out is his work labeled, Insomnia. It was very interesting because obviously the basic definition of Insomnia is a sleep disorder that it is characterized by difficulty of falling or staying asleep. And in Wall's photograph there is a man laying down underneath a table with the chairs moved, cabinets opened, on the kitchen floor, and what interested me is that we don't know why he is laying there, or how he got there, or how long he has been down there, if it is a every night thing for him. All those questions went through my mind when I seen this photograph, and that's what is so awesome is that unpredictability this story tells, and how Wall leaves it up to the viewer to decide..

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