Tuesday, January 20, 2015

If This Is Art

In Chapter one of The Photograph as Contemporary Art, it shows lots of different photographs and points out that they all have one thing in common, that wherever they come from, either from strategy or orchestration by the photographers, they are all their for the sole purpose of creating an image. The one photo that really stuck out to me is the ‘Bread Man.’ It is a performance persona of the Japanese artist Tatsumi Orimoto, who wears a mass of bread on top of his head to cover his entire face and walks around town and performs daily activities. “His strange but non-threatening appearance is usually politely ignored by passers-by; occasionally it engenders amused curiosity (Pg.27).” I thought this was very unique and interested me, because who would have the creativity to come up with an idea like that. This would definitely be a disruption of every person’s daily routine to see something like that walking down the street. Depending on each individual perspective, in my personal opinion I think the photographs seen are great examples of contemporary art.  

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